Pool Leak Bucket Test

Try our simple pool water loss test

Follow these instructions to determine if water loss is a leak in the pool or normal evaporation.

Pool Leak Bucket Test
  1. Place a nearly filled  bucket of water on the first or second step of your pool.
  2. With a pencil, mark the water level in the bucket.
  3. Turn off the pool pump and let the water settle.
  4. Mark the pool water level somewhere on the outside of the bucket.
  5. After 24 hours, measure the space between each mark and the new water level.

 Is the pool leaking?

 General rule of thumb is that most pools in the northeastern United State will drop around 1/4 of an inch per day due to normal evaporation. Pools in breezy locations may lose more

If your pool water level drops a 1/2″ more than the test bucket water level in a 24 hour period, it’s very likely that your pool may have a leak.

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